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Patient Journey

Initial Consultation (optional)

If you would like more information before going ahead with a full examination, or, you are unsure what treatment may be best for you, we offer a free, no obligation, ‘initial consultation’ for you to come in and discuss any of your concerns with us.

Full Patient examination

1. Full examination

From a thorough history and examination procedure we find the source of your symptoms and, just as importantly, discover why they are occurring.

A full examination includes a range of tests evaluating the joints, nervous system and soft tissues (muscle, ligaments, tendons, and fascia) together with assessment of your movement patterns.

2. Report of findings

After your examination, we talk you through your results so you have a clear understanding of the cause of your problem.

We present a tailored treatment plan specific to your individual complaint and goals.

We also offer all the information and tools you need to participate actively in your care for the fastest and most effective results.

Report Findings to Patient
Pain Relief Treatments at our Jersey studio

3. Treatment

Treatments are tailored specifically to you; your complaint and your goals, but may include any of the following: Click here »

Kevin Mack, St Helier

I specifically liked the feeling that everything is achievable and manageable, therefore knowing that continual improvement was going to be the case.

Kevin Mack