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Tag Archives: standing desk

Your guide to sit-stand desks

Your guide to sit-stand desks

We evolved to move.  And for thousands of years that’s what we did – we walked, we ran, we climbed, we squatted. It’s only been in the last few hundred years that we have moved away from this more active (and healthy) lifestyle. Today, for the majority of us, sitting has become the norm – we sit to eat, we sit to drive, we sit at work and a lot of people still sit when they are at the gym!

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Chiropractic Testimonial

I first attended due to pain in my lower back that I had had for over a year. It was my last resource, as I had tried a lot of things before but it was definitely the best thing for me. I felt listened to and taken seriously and I’m now more or less pain free. I can now do all the things I like again, like dancing and walking. That’s just great!

Karen Mackel