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Tag Archives: poor movement

5 Top Causes of Poor Movement

5 Top Causes of Poor Movement

We are often asked “what caused my pain in the first place”.

More often than not how somebody moves is a key factor is their pain syndrome. Poor movement patterns or “Movement dysfunction” leads to overload of the weak link in the chain (this may be the low back, the knee, the neck) which over time leads to pain.

But what causes this dysfunction in movement?  Here are 5 of the most common causes:

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Chiropractic Testimonial

I first attended due to pain in my lower back that I had had for over a year. It was my last resource, as I had tried a lot of things before but it was definitely the best thing for me. I felt listened to and taken seriously and I’m now more or less pain free. I can now do all the things I like again, like dancing and walking. That’s just great!

Karen Mackel