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Category Archives: Ergonomics

Learn how ergnomics can effect your pain, recovery and posture and simple strategies you can implement to improve your working environement today

How to transition safely to a sit-stand desk

How to transition safely to a sit-stand desk

So you’ve read about the dangers of sitting and decided to switch to a sit-stand desk. Great!  Or is it?…

Although sit-stand desks are a great way to minimise sitting and move more throughout the day the problem is that most people’s bodies aren’t ready to stand for long periods. Moving from sitting all day straight to standing can lead to some very real problems.   

Follow these simple tips to make your transition to a sit-stand desk as smooth as possible.

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Back-friendly chair set up

Back-friendly chair set up

In previous posts we talked about the benefits of moving away from a traditional seated workstation using sit-stand desks or desk raisers. However, this isn’t feasible for everyone, so today we will talk about how to select a more back-friendly chair and how best to modify it for a healthier spine. Continue Reading

Your guide to sit-stand desks

Your guide to sit-stand desks

We evolved to move.  And for thousands of years that’s what we did – we walked, we ran, we climbed, we squatted. It’s only been in the last few hundred years that we have moved away from this more active (and healthy) lifestyle. Today, for the majority of us, sitting has become the norm –… Continue Reading

Chiropractic Testimonial

I first attended due to pain in my lower back that I had had for over a year. It was my last resource, as I had tried a lot of things before but it was definitely the best thing for me. I felt listened to and taken seriously and I’m now more or less pain free. I can now do all the things I like again, like dancing and walking. That’s just great!

Karen Mackel